Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Event Reminder: Facebook in the Classroom

Just a reminder that tomorrow afternoon, Dr. Heather Smith will be giving a presentation on everyone's favourite social networking site, Facebook. As she describes it:

“This term I decided to set up a Facebook page for my International Studies class. I had never done this before and so like any new activity in our classroom, it was a bit of a risk. I know that colleagues at other universities had used Facebook in their classes, but would it work’ for me and my students? In this seminar I will look at the issues faced in any class by bringing in ‘something’ new, will consider the student feedback from my class, and will engage participants in a brainstorming exercise on the value of taking these kinds of risks.”

It's happening at 1:30 in room 10-4074 of the Teaching and Learning Building.

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